““Part of the punk attitude was that you should project through your whole body and show your personality as much as possible.””
Music and running are both about self expression. They are both celebrations, and used wisely, they can both lead to self betterment. In the past there has been segregation, stereotypes and misconceptions that if you do one, you cannot do the other. We want to change this.
We want to encourage as many people as possible to put on their daps and start running so they can experience the benefits as we have. If you’re a musician, a music lover, an artist, someone creative, someone unique, someone who has never run before - we want you to join our tribe.
We break down the traditional barriers that people have experienced in the past. It doesn’t matter what kit you’re wearing, or what kind of diet you’re on. Who cares if you can run fast or far? You don’t even need to know anything about running. The important thing is that you take that first step and you keep on moving.
You move because it helps chase away the chaos and it helps you think about and conquer any problems you may be facing. Running is the perfect antidote to a cluttered and stress filled existence. It’s the best kept secret. Sometimes being loud is not enough for you to be heard. Sometimes it’s about more than just turning up. Running Punks are here to help and inspire you, no matter who you are.
Running is a chance to do something new. A chance to throw off all of our demons, pressures and expectations, all of our self-hatred and self doubt and a way of minimising our past mistakes. Running is rebellion when given the choice between running or succumbing to the vortex. Running is punk.